

Charles Holmes

Director, Center for Innovation in Global Health

Professor of Medicine, Georgetown Medical School

Charles Holmes

Sara M. Allinder

Deputy Director, Center for Innovation in Global Health

Program Director, Blantyre Prevention Strategy

Sara Allinder

Alanna Bailey

Grants Manager

Alanna Bailey

Edna Bosire

Senior Fellow (non-resident)

Edna Bosire

Anna Carter

Senior Fellow (non-resident)

Anna Carter

Debi Hoege

Senior Technical Advisor for Implementation Science

Program Lead for Social and Behavioral Sciences

Debi Hoege

Betha Igbinosun


Betha Igbinosun

Yohane Kamgwira

Coordinator, Blantyre Prevention Strategy

Yohane Kamgwira

Dana Morcillo

Program Coordinator

Dana Morcillo

Ellen Suryadi

Director of Financial Strategy and External Affairs

Ellen Suryadi


Bruce Agins

Bruce Agins

Richard Chilongosi

Richard Chilongosi

Patricia Munthali Khomani

Patricia Munthali Khomani

Chimwemwe Mablekisi

Chimwemwe Mablekisi

Edward Moses

Edward Moses

Simon Ndira

Simon Ndira

Rose Nyirenda

Rose Nyirenda


Solange Baptiste

Solange Baptiste

Hannah Cooper

Hannah Cooper

Elvin Geng

Elvin Geng

Eric Goosby

Eric Goosby

Rebecca Katz

Rebecca Katz

Ambassador Jimmy Kolker

Amb. Jimmy Kolker

Maureen Luba

Maureen Luba

Julia MacKenzie

Julia MacKenzie

Emily Mendenhall

Emily Mendenhall

Meg O’Brien

Meg O’Brien

Yogan Pillay

Yogan Pillay

Izukanji Sikazwe

Izukanji Sikazwe

Shannon Smith

Shannon Smith

Ambassador Mark C. Storella

Amb. Mark C. Storella