Innovation and Policy to Improve the Quality of HIV Services
The quality of HIV programs and services underlie their impact in reducing morbidity and mortality of HIV infection, and reducing the number of new infections. CIGH works with civil society, research institutions and governments to improve the quality of the health systems response to HIV at national and global levels.
Policy Work
Some of CIGH’s activities take place through the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Technical Working Group on Quality of HIV Services, which Dr. Holmes co-chairs with Dr. Satvinder Singh, of the WHO Department for HIV, TB and Hepatitis. The group consists of over 50 experts from quality units in ministries of health, PEPFAR, Global Fund, civil society leaders, implementing organizations and other experts. The group has spearheaded the development of an HIV quality module for WHO’s new Global Learning Laboratory that links with an existing module on compassion, held a webinar for community and patient monitoring to improve quality of services, and led the development of a 2019 WHO publication entitled, “Maintaining and improving the quality of care within HIV clinical services.”
See more of CIGH’s innovative policy collaborations with WHO – like our work on HIV drug resistance.


2019 International AIDS Conference, Mexico City
In July 2019, CIGH and WHO co-hosted a satellite session in Mexico City at the International AIDS Society (IAS) 2019 conference, entitled, “Addressing the Quality Gap within HIV Programmes: Improving clinical outcomes and preventing HIV drug resistance.” The wide ranging discussion featured Dr. Francois Kessner of the Haiti Ministry of Health, CIGH’s Dr. Holmes, Dr. Dan Namarika, Malawi’s Secretary for Health, International Treatment Preparedness Coalition Director Solange Baptiste, Dr. Filipe Perini of Brazil’s Ministry of Health, Dr. Aleny Couto from the Ministry of Health in Mozambique, Judy Khanyola with ICAP Kenya, and Dr. Bruce Agins of HealthQual and the University of California, San Francisco.
The session stressed the role of people-centered health systems, government leadership, the critical role of nurses in quality improvement and service delivery, and community responses to provide solutions and accountability to identified quality issues.
2019 CQUIN network meeting in Nairobi, Kenya
In June 2019, Dr. Holmes joined Columbia University ICAP’s CQUIN network meeting in Nairobi, Kenya and gave the keynote address entitled, “A big picture view of quality for HIV services.”

Charles Holmes in The Hill: We can build on 15 years of US leadership in the global AIDS response